Yes, well done, this is a well thought out connection of many traditions. I was a diligent student of Kriya yoga for many years. During this time I had mystical experiences which brought me back , always, to here and now. What I feel is that the lung breath stops. Yet, at the almost what I might call cellular level, there is this most delicate, hardly felt, breath like movement. To leave the body, as spirit is able with OBE's and NDE"S, there is a cessation as the breath (physical manifestation of Holy Spirit in the body- quote from Way of Mastery) leaves body. Being more of spirit perhaps. Our minds may not be able to comprehend! Breath is our real connector to the cosmos and feeling it's sweetness brings on a real peace and joy. Namaste

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Beautiful summary, thanks 🙏🏼

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One thought that comes to mind here is a sense that...

Perhaps we may be in too big of a hurry?

If NDE's point to a glorious reality beyond this life, we are all 100% guaranteed to travel to that reality at some point. 100% guaranteed. In hundreds of thousands of years of human history, not a single person has ever failed to die.

I'm not against spiritual practice and have my own sort of version of it. But very few of us will ever become great yogis or saints, no matter what we do. Almost all of us will spend our entire lives as pretty ordinary and imperfect people, bumbling and stumbling our way along towards our ultimate destination.

If NDE's point to a glorious reality beyond this life, doesn't that take a lot of pressure off to grab everything we can while we're here? Maybe it's not that important I become wealthy and popular. Maybe it's not that urgent that I become enlightened or have visions of God etc. Whatever I do, it's all going to end in the same place, right? And so much sooner than we realize. What's the big hurry?

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