Sep 25Liked by Coming Home

Yes it is entirely possible to have a NDE without dying in the literal sense. Having had my own NDE of which I have written a book about it is entirely possible. I wrote in my book “if any of this makes any sense to you or perhaps by some transcendental experience you are able to comprehend”. It is entirely possible to transcend and see beyond the worldly ways and see past all the rhetoric of life to see the bigger picture of life.

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Sep 25Liked by Coming Home

I love that you’re writing about this! This is what I always try to tell people.

I had a near-death experience 30 years ago and a week ago a friend told me they were jealous of that because they wished they could have access to the Divine like I do. The events leading to my NDE were dramatic (I was beaten and strangled) and the first year after coming back was hard because all my emotions were so big it felt like I was trying to fit the entire universe in a shoe box. I would hardly call that something to be envious of.

We all have a continuous IV drip of the Divine going to us and through us at all times. When you learn how to recognize this drip and tap into it, your life will change forever.

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But how? ♥️

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I’m not quite sure what your “but how?” refers to 😄 But if you mean “how can I have an NDE without dying?” this article has very good examples. If you mean “how can I tap into that infinite IV drip from the Divine?” you just have to follow/ subscribe. I talk about this endlessly. It’s too much to try to explain here.

Have a fantastic day 💗

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Sep 26Liked by Coming Home

Yes, the latter. I will, thank you! 😊

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Sep 25Liked by Coming Home

Absolutely. I had one as a kid.

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As just one way to look at it.....

If the story told by those who have had NDEs is basically true, then we might reasonably wonder why we should be in a big hurry to evolve, progress, transcend, become etc.

If the story told by those who have had NDEs is basically true, then it appears that everything is already under control, and there's not that much for us to do other than try to be imperfectly decent to each other.

We might imagine driving across America on a cross country trip, and we know that when we reach our destination we'll be living in a fabulous beach house filled with wonderful people. That's already been decided, the issue is already settled. We don't really need to try to drive faster. We can relax, take our time, and enjoy the scenery as we pass by it.

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Yes, it happen to me.

I had the choice to leave the Light which I chose.

But I did go back and forth instantly 2 more times before I stayed here.

I was one with the Light 💡.

I felt extreme love 💕 and spectacular bliss.

I got there by LETTING GO.

I was alone in the desert 🌵 and I thought 💭,

I let go of my attachment to my things,

to my friends,

to my family

and to my body.

POOF 💨, I was LIGHT.

The most magical and magnificent experience I ever had.

After that I was never again afraid of death.

And I knew that everything is ONE.

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