Sep 14Liked by Coming Home

I've now consumed all the Coming Home videos, great stuff, thanks!

I'm now exploring NDE videos on other YouTube channels. The other channels I'm seeing so far don't have the same level professional presentation as Coming Home. Lots of stories, but with a bit of a tacky look usually.

I guess my question is, would anyone like to advise me of channels to avoid because the channel has agendas other than NDE? Is there a scammer element to the NDE video world? Any bad actors I should steer clear of?

Or, to put it another way, have NDE stories become a fad thing with some people? Are phony NDE stories a problem?


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Sep 13Liked by Coming Home

First, thanks for your Coming Home project, I'm finding it quite educational and inspiring. You're request for input from readers is very timely. Here's one area that's been on my mind this week, that I'm hoping to find more discussion of.

So far all the videos I've seen reference a common theme of spiritual beings made of love guiding humans to be kinder to their fellow humans. Ok, great, we can obviously use a lot of help in that department.

What I've just recently realized is that there seems to be no reference to any creatures other than ourselves. The focus of love seems to be exclusively human. I'm wondering what to make of that. Such a limited focus reminds me of Christian theology which seems to propose that the creator of the universe has as it's primary interest a single species on one small planet in one of billions of galaxies. That idea sounds less like a God to me, and more like the usual human ego tendency to assume everything is all about "me".

So I've been speculating in an attempt to make sense of the human centric focus of NDE experiences. Here's what I've come to so far.

What if the NDE experience is a dramatically simplified story that attempts to educate us about reality on a level that we can understand? As example, imagine trying to explain sex to a four year old, you'd have to leave a lot out of the explanation, because a four year old simply can't grasp a sophisticated explanation.

What if spiritual beings are echoing a version of Christian theology back to us because they assume that's what citizens of Western culture will be able to relate to? Maybe they aren't teaching NDE experiencers THE TRUTH about reality, but only the tiny fraction of the truth that we are capable of grasping, in a very basic story form which is familiar to us.

Or, another theory could be that NDE experiences are just another version of the human brain being largely incapable of thinking about much of anything other than itself.

I'm completely sold that those making NDE reports are being sincere and honest, and that they really did have some very powerful experience. But that doesn't automatically equal their interpretations of these experiences as being a fully accurate explanation of what's happening. So far my main source of doubt on that score is the exclusively human nature of these reports.

That's what I've got this week. Feedback welcome!

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Such a deep experience...thanks for sharing it with us. It opens our souls' windows into the reality of the spirit world. My heart i still moved by reading the experiences described here.

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Great information! Thanks for sharing!! Appreciate your fine work!

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