Aug 7Liked by Coming Home

Thank you for this. Perhaps both are true at once, the eternal holding of opposites: we are humans having a spiritual experience AND we are spirits having a human experience.

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yes. 100% my own direct experience beyond experience as well. the well is deep and profound. thank you for sharing.

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Oct 5Liked by Coming Home

Yes having his experiences out there, right along side his respected standing in the intellectual community has been such a comfort to me. I'm not going crazy...or at least not JUST crazy. I'm seeing more... and I'm not the only one to have done so, so it must have some reality to it even if it challenges what we generally mean by "reality".

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I had my first encounter with Dr Carl Gustav Jung on Monday, Jan the 2nd, 1967, in the old Eight Street Bookstore, in Greenwich Village, NYC. It was closed in the 90's when the few employees there voted for a union. This upset the owner, the Village Voice indicated, and he decided to retire & shut down a great old bookstore & a City landmark. This is a 'short' synopsis of a short story I wrote many yrs ago.

That fateful, spooky, synchronistic day at the beginning of 1967, I entered the 8th St Bookstore & asked the owner, sitting behind the desk at the front, if he had any books on Astrology. He peered at me over his thin glasses & said:

"Yeh.They would be on the 3rd floor, way back in the corner."

Frowning at me, he shook his head slightly, then looked away and back to his work.

So I went up the stairs to the 3rd floor and in the back corner found a 12' long bookcase, kind of hidden away from the rest of the shop. There was a small sign which said "Occult Section". So I walked along the bookcase looking at the titles, when the first of 3 books jumped/fell off the shelf, one at a time, with about 5 minutes or so between each book drop, seemingly self propelled. I laughed nervously when the 1st one fell.

That first book that fell was Carl Jung's "Man and his Symbols". So that was my introduction to the good doctor. The 2nd book that fell was a large hard cover basic 'text' book on Astrology. My reason for the visit.

There were a series of misadventures & a few bewildering positive ones that befell me on that New Years Eve Saturday in 1966. But by a really strange set of circumstances, I found the party. You see I had grabbed the wrong wallet in my apt on 2nd St & so didn't have any money nor the directions when I got off the subway. And it had started to snow & sleet. Suddenly I slipped on the sleet and flat on my butt and back, slid hard feet first into a corner phonebooth, my boots slamming into the back glass wall. I stood up, pants soaked, but out of the weather. What was I to do? No money, no directions, stuck in a phone booth, at W 80th ST & B'way during a sleet storm, wondering:

"What am I gonna do now?", I thought/said outloud.

Then something shiny caught my eye, and I saw a dime on the floor. There was also a phone book in relatively good condition. I remembered the last name of the girl who had invited me. But when I opened the book to that page there was about 30 entries of that name. Narrowing it down as best I could, I decided to risk my dime & call the ph# that seemed closest. I put my one dime(cost of a call in 1966) in the slot & lo and behold, I was right on the mark. After I got the address from my friend I hung the phone up, kinda heavily in my excitement. Suddenly there was a loud series of clangs and about $5 in change poured out of the coin return all over the floor. Someone had stuffed tissue up in the coin return, an old trick where the perpetrator came back later to get their loot. I guess my feet slamming into the back of the booth & my joyful slam of the phone on the receiver dislodged the tissues, and now I had money. $5 was the equivalent of about $50 today.

The party was on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in the 80's and a 3 or 4 story walkup. It was held in 4 apts on the top floor, and each had doors to one another, so you could visit all four, having originally been one apartment. As I was entering the 3rd apt looking for my friends, there was a crowd avidly listening to this guy, a beret wearing, goateed Beatnik, an almost iconic version of one, I might add. I was standing about 10 feet away in a small crowd, behind a few folks. Suddenly after someone inaudibly asked him a question, he turned and pointed to me & said:

"You there, Scorpio! There's a Scorpio for you, for sure. Yes, you in the leather jacket. Yeh, you. Are you not a Scorpio?"

Sheepishly, realizing he was talking to me, I nodded my head. He then proceeded to give me an 'unasked for' public reading After his accurate guessing of my Zodiac sign he then told some things about my past he couldn't have known. And some things in my future which did come true. So I decided to investigate Astrology to see what it was really all about.

The 3rd book that fell on the carpet that fateful Monday was called the "The Ultimate Frontier". This was my introduction to the Secret Brotherhoods & their histories. My first book on psychic & paranormal activities and the people who kept it occult, until 'the students' were 'ready' to learn about the underlying realities of our dimension.

So that was the order the books fell off the shelves. I'm still surprised why I didn't get real spooked over it. I kept thinking there was someone behind the shelves, but it was just a wall. I found out later that I have 8 planets in Scorpio & was born on the Point of Synchronicity, or Part of Fortune, I was told, so these kinds of phenomena have followed me all my life, on a daily basis. I still have those 3 books. When I am in the groove and everything in my life falls wonderfully in place, I say I'm traveling on Synchronicity Road. Slan.

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What are the chances? I’ve developed a recent interest in Jung. Simultaneously, and quite separately, my fascination with NDE (that I had in high school 30 years ago) reignited. This lead me to “Coming Home”, which in turn led me to Substack, which brought me here.

All of creation is intelligent and conspires to help us meet our mission. But sometimes we humans get in the way of our ever present helper.

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Very exciting snd profound! Tx for this💔

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Is there any way to get your essays in ebook format (mobi., azw3. or epub.). If so, please let me know. Be well.

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